Apr 25, 2016
Greetings, Captains! You’re listening to EPISODE 267 OF PRIORITY ONE PODCAST, your weekly report on all things Star Trek! Recorded LIVE on Thursday, April 21st, and available for download or streaming on Monday, April 25th, 2016 at PriorityOnePodcast.com! This week we’re Trekking Out details about Star Trek Beyond’s new villain, and why a new fan film has been asked to stop production before it even started. In Star Trek Online News, we’re just covering the basics this week, because we’re hailing the return of Command School, with special guest host Attilio of STO Academy. As usual, before we wrap up the show, we'll open hailing frequencies for your incoming messages. TOPICS DISCUSSED The Podcast Awards: Nominations now open! Trek It Out Star Trek Horizon sequel advised by CBS to stop production Idris Elba reveals new information about his Star Trek Beyond character New Beyond trailer to debut at exclusive fan event on May 20th Zachary Quinto weighs in on the feel of the new film under Justin Lin Star Trek Online News Permanent Skill Token price reduction Star Trek Online Release Notes: April 21st, 2016 Tracking the Devs Jaddua Ross (@jadduaross) dropped a new piece of STO fiction, with plenty of temporal Treknobabble Al Rivera (@CaptainGeko) ate cupcakes last week Command School (in association with STO Academy) STO Academy STOA Skill Planner Dragon, Drake, and Aux2Batt builds explained (via Reddit) STO Academy Forums Builds sub-forum on the official STO forums STOBuilds subreddit This week’s Community Questions: Does the cancellation of Star Trek Federation Rising spell the end of fan productions? Have you learned any top tips or tricks in the new Star Trek Online skill system? Share them with us! Do you think that Star Trek Online is actually Star Trek canon or does it fall just outside “true canon”? Let us know YOUR thoughts on this week's episode by commenting below! BE SURE TO VISIT OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL AND SUBSCRIBE TO THE PREMIER STAR TREK ONLINE PODCAST! Priority One Productions is always looking for new team members that have a passion for Star Trek. Please know that all of our positions are volunteer, but we do offer a well-known outlet for your work. If you have a skill that you believe could enhance our content, then send your contact information and experience along with a few writing samples to INCOMING@PRIORITYONEPODCAST.COM Did you miss any of our great Blogs last week? Stop by THIS LINK and see for yourself! How about our latest Video Release? You can also follow us on the social media sites! We’re on Facebook! Head over to WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/PRIORITYONEPODCAST and say, “Hi!” Or, Check us out on Twitter via @PRIORITYONEPOD for show times and other cool stuff. Liked this episode? Totally hated it? Leave a comment below or CONTACT US via our handy web form! Enjoy the show!