Mar 28, 2020
This week on Priority One --- Picard is FREE, Star Trek delays due to Covid-19, and Star Trek cast and crew entertain us through the quarantine. In Gaming news, we get our second look at the Summer Event ship’s creation, discuss the changes to lower tier ships and DOFF packs and we have another round of interviews...
Mar 20, 2020
This week on Priority One --- Santiago Cabrera discusses Holos, Frakes reflects on finding Riker, Pete Challenges Pat to Trivia, and Short Treks gets a Hard Copy. In Gaming news, we sit down with Star Trek Online Lead Designer Al “Captain Geko” Rivera and review the latest happenings in the Star Trek gaming...
Mar 13, 2020
This week on Priority One --- Chabon is back on Instagram with more answers to fan questions before heading to The Hollywood Reporter to discuss Nepenthe. Next, Jonathan Del Arco talks Hugh, and Star Trek has an answer to Covid-19. In Gaming news, the Legacy Bundle bugs get fixed, and the STO team has big plans for...
Mar 10, 2020
This week on Priority One --- Michael Chabon answers another round of fan questions, Shatner tweets, Simon Pegg talks Kelvin 4, and we send our support to Kenneth Mitchell. In Gaming news, we trek out the newest Promo ship, the Section 31 Command Heavy Battlecruiser …. Then, we look On Screen to episode 6 of Star...