Nov 13, 2013
Hello Captains! Time is running out!! A few weeks ago, we asked for your support by nominating Priority One Podcast for the 9th Annual Podcast Awards. On Sunday, October 27, 2013, it was announced on that out of 4,400 podcasts submitted, Priority One Podcast was nominated for Best Gaming and Best Produced Podcast! All because of the dedicated and loyal support of YOU – our listeners! I cannot express to you how humbled and honored we are at Priority One Podcast. Over the last several years we have poured blood, sweat, and tears into this little endeavor… But knowing that YOU – our listeners – have supported us – and continue to do so – makes it all worthwhile! Priority One Podcast is a volunteer organization – built by the dedication, creativity, and talent of people who share one important thing in common: a passion for Star Trek. Priority One Podcast not only allows us to experience Star Trek on a weekly basis; but, it allows us to share it with you… on your commute to work, during your STO game-time, even in-person at conventions! We are always thinking about the future and how we can improve the content presented by Priority One Podcast. But, we can’t get there without your ongoing support! ------------------- On November 1st – voting begins for the 9th Annual Podcast Awards! You can vote for your favorite podcasts once a day – every day – for 15 straight days. Over the next day or so, our Web Producer (and resident miracle worker) Lennon Rich, will be introducing new tech on the website to help remind you about the daily voting. Please be on the lookout for that! We are one of TWO Trek Podcasts in the final run for this year’s Podcast Awards! Be sure to support Mission Log Podcast and vote for them in the Best Entertainment Podcast category! Let’s use this opportunity to show the media community – once again – that Trek is NOT going anywhere!! Let’s bring this home!! Sincerely, Elio "Elijah" L. Host // Chief Operating Officer Priority One Podcast Nomination Announcement: