Jul 11, 2016
Greetings, Captains! You’re listening to EPISODE 278 OF PRIORITY ONE PODCAST, your weekly report on all things Star Trek! Available for download or streaming on Monday, July 11th, 2016 at PriorityOnePodcast.com! This week we’ve got plenty to Trek Out including a new backstory for Hikaru Sulu, a television event you’re going to want to DVR, and the Star Trek film that could have been. In Star Trek Online News, Mark, Winters and Kenna are knee-deep in Agents of Yesterday, which launched earlier this week. Later, Jake & Cookie tempt us to spend some hard-earned latinum when they brings us product reviews from the Promenade. As usual, before we wrap up the show, we'll open hailing frequencies for your incoming messages. SPECIAL ANNOUCEMENT Priority One Podcast will be hosting a Laser Tag event a during Creation Entertainment's Star Trek Las Vegas Convention, on Wednesday, August 3rd. For more information, please visit our Facebook page. TOPICS DISCUSSED Trek It Out Hikaru Sulu will be gay in Star Trek Beyond Smithsonian Museum to air two-hour documentary on the restoration of the original TOS Enterprise Captain Kirk could have fought Jesus in an alternate plot of Star Trek: The Motion Picture Star Trek Online News NEW Kelvin Lockbox Kelvin Lockbox and Lobi store ship stats and details (including Tier 6 Kelvin Timeline Heavy Command Cruiser - Constitution Class) Star Trek Online Expansion Notes: July 6th, 2016 Star Trek Online Release Notes: July 7th, 2016 Tracking the Devs Al Rivera (@CaptainGeko) shows off the Cryptic team's new Enterprise-F gear Thomas Marrone (@Cryptic_TtC) recommends AoY's music and teases us about customising the Kelvin Timeline Constitution Jeremy Randall (@BorticusCryptic) thinks this week's patch notes are tiny and cute Hector Ortiz (@sandman979) refers us to some extra artwork for the Kelvin Timeline D4x The Promenade This week’s Community Questions: What’s your favourite part of Agents of Yesterday so far? And is there anything that you don’t like? Let us know YOUR thoughts on this week's episode by commenting below! BE SURE TO VISIT OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL AND SUBSCRIBE TO THE PREMIER STAR TREK ONLINE PODCAST! Priority One Productions is always looking for new team members that have a passion for Star Trek. Please know that all of our positions are volunteer, but we do offer a well-known outlet for your work. If you have a skill that you believe could enhance our content, then send your contact information and experience along with a few writing samples to INCOMING@PRIORITYONEPODCAST.COM Did you miss any of our great Blogs last week? Stop by THIS LINK and see for yourself! How about our latest Video Release? You can also follow us on the social media sites! We’re on Facebook! Head over to WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/PRIORITYONEPODCAST and say, “Hi!” Or, Check us out on Twitter via @PRIORITYONEPOD for show times and other cool stuff. Liked this episode? Totally hated it? Leave a comment below or CONTACT US via our handy web form! Enjoy the show!