Feb 16, 2015
Greetings, Admirals! You’re listening to EPISODE 209 OF PRIORITY ONE PODCAST, the premier Star Trek Online podcast! This episode was recorded on Thursday, February 12th 2015 and made available for download on Monday, February 16th 2015 at PriorityOnePodcast.com! Brace for impact, Admirals -- we've got a great episode for you this week. For starters, we #TrekOut the latest edition of the Official Star Trek Magazine and explore the Delta Quadrant! In STONews, we'll review the latest patch notes which include the activation of the Foundry Top-3 System, we'll remind you upcoming events, and inform you of updates to the new Bridge Officer Training system. We also spend some time offering our first impressions of some of the latest ships to hit Holodeck, address some issues with R&D Boosts, and address the concept of "grinding" in Star Trek Online. Finally, before we wrap the show, we’ll open hailing frequencies for your incoming messages! Don't miss our video demonstration of Command Space Powers with special guest, Systems Designer, Jeremy "BorticusCryptic" Randall! TOPICS DISCUSSED Star Trek Online Magazine Release Notes: February 12th, 2015 Tier 6 Command Ships Anniversary Event extended until March 2nd Omega particle calculator by blocknite on r/STO Grinding - Referenced Interviews Interview with Al "CaptainGeko" Rivera http://priorityonepodcast.com/po189/ http://priorityonepodcast.com/po190/ http://priorityonepodcast.com/po192/ Interview with Phil "Gorngonzolla" Zileski http://priorityonepodcast.com/po191/ This week’s Community Question: For those of you fortunate enough to have gotten your hands on one of these ships - what are your thoughts? Do you have a loadout that seems to be working well & what’s your DPS output looking like if you’re parsing? Let us know YOUR thoughts by commenting below! BE SURE TO VISIT OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL AND SUBSCRIBE TO THE PREMIER STAR TREK ONLINE PODCAST! The Priority One Productions is always looking for new team members that have a passion for Star Trek. Please know that all of our positions are volunteer, but we do offer a well known outlet for your work. If you have a skill that you believe could enhance our content, then send your contact information and experience along with a few writing samples to INCOMING@PRIORITYONEPODCAST.COM Did you miss any of our great Blogs last week? Stop by THIS LINK and see for yourself! How about our latest Video Release? You can also follow us on the social media sites! We’re on Facebook! Head over to WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/PRIORITYONEPODCAST and say, “Hi!” Or, Check us out on Twitter via @STOPRIORITYONE for show times and other cool stuff. Liked this episode? Totally hated it? Leave a comment below, CONTACT US via our handy web form! Enjoy the show!