Nov 11, 2013
Greetings, Captains! You're listening to Episode 149 of Priority One Podcast - the premier Star Trek Online podcast! This episode was recorded live on on Thursday, November 7th, 2013 and published for download on Monday, November 11th at! Captains! Thanks to your AMAZING support we've been nominated for both Best Produced and Best Gaming podcast at the 9th Annual International Podcast Awards! Voting is now open and you can vote for us once each day in both categories from November 1st through November 15th. We would be honoured if you would vote for Priority One Podcast in both categories. You can vote once in each category every day, so please, vote for Priority One Podcast in Best Gaming and Best Produced categories. - The Entire Team at Priority One Podcast. With Tony suffering from a case of Andorian Shingles, and James being trapped in a Colleseum with nothing but a Lirpa and a pack of Prongles, Elijah immediately regrets the decision of buying those red coloured shirts on a bulk discount. Luckily, we're joined by our most excellent admiral, Elliot Tan as we bring you everything you need to know to make your voyages legendary. This week we Trek Out some fantastic advances by Yahoo that bring 3D printing technology closer to replicator technology. In STO News things gear up for the launch of Season 8 with four new Dev blogs (15, 16, 17 and 18), as well as Branflakes' Season 8 Twitch TV preview. In Field Notes this week Matthew486DX takes us to the holodeck and takes us through PvE AoE damage vs direct damage, covering which is better and why YOU should care. As always at the end of the show we open our Hailing Frequencies and listen to our messages from you, our listeners. Do you have a literary itch that needs scratching? Well join our team as a guest blogger! Email us at Topics Discussed Season 8, Dev Blog 15 Season 8, Dev Blog 16 Season 8, Dev Blog 17 Season 8, Dev Blog 18 Scroll Down to Riker Season 8 Preview Season 8 Preview on Twitch TV Fortress Ship Size Comparrison Origins Bridge Resources AoE PvE Powerpoint [pptx] This Week's Community Question How many of your friends don't play STO because they're Mac OS users? Will you be inviting them back this week? Let us know! We are Live on every Thursday at 10pm ET / 7pm PT! If you’d like to join us live, during the show, Trek Radio has a built in IRC Chat client. Just click on the Community menu tab and select IRC Chat - input your desired screen name and enter! The Priority One Network is always looking for new team members that have a passion for Star Trek. Please know that all of our positions are volunteer, but we do offer a well known outlet for your work. If you have a particular skill that you believe could enhance our content, then send your contact information and experience along with a few writing samples to Did you miss any of our great Blogs last week? Stop by this link and see for yourself! How about our latest Video Release? You can also follow us on the social media sites! We’re on Facebook! Head over to and say, "Hi!" Or, Check us out on Twitter via @stopriorityone for show times and other cool stuff. Liked this episode? Totally hated it? Leave a comment below, Contact Us using our handy web form or leave your comments on the STO Forum thread for Episode 149! Enjoy the show!