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Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast

Oct 21, 2013

Greetings, Captains! Welcome to the 146th episode of the premier Star Trek Online podcast record live on on Thursday October 17th and published for download on Monday, October 21st at! James has had to call in sick with a case of Andorian Shingles this week, so Tony and Elijah are your hosts this week for an incredible show! In this episode we interview Star Trek Online’s Lead Designer Al “CaptainGeko” Rivera and ask him the questions everyone in the community would like answers to, but before we do that, we’ll be skipping Trek It Out this week and jumping right into This Week in STO News covering Season 8 Dev Blogs 4, 5 and 6; the return of the Dilithium Featured Projects, Foundry Challenge #8, what you can do if you want to undertake your own five-year mission and finally we’ll be reviewing the latest intel reports on the Voth! After our interview, ChivarlyBean reviews In The Shadow of Midas by GreenDragoon in this week’s community spotlight segment before we go all ahead full into Hailing Frequencies and listen to your incoming messages! Do you have a literary itch that needs scratching? Well join our team as a guest blogger! Email us at Topics Discussed Season 8, Dev Blog 4 Season 8, Dev Blog 5 Season 8, Dev Blog 6 Featured Project Rerun Foundry Challenge #8 Voting Starbase 381: The Five Year Mission This Week's Community Question What are your thoughts on what's coming with the upcoming Season 8 release? Let us know in the comments below! We are Live on every Thursday at 10pm ET / 7pm PT! If you’d like to join us live, during the show, Trek Radio has a built in IRC Chat client. Just click on the Community menu tab and select IRC Chat - input your desired screen name and enter! The Priority One Network is always looking for new team members that have a passion for Star Trek. Please know that all of our positions are volunteer, but we do offer a well known outlet for your work. If you have a particular skill that you believe could enhance our content, then send your contact information and experience along with a few writing samples to Did you miss any of our great Blogs last week? Stop by this link and see for yourself! How about our latest Video Release? You can also follow us on the social media sites! We’re on Facebook! Head over to and say, "Hi!" Or, Check us out on Twitter via @stopriorityone for show times and other cool stuff. Liked this episode? Totally hated it? Leave a comment below, Contact Us using our handy web form or leave your comments on the STO Forum thread for Episode 146! Enjoy the show!